What I ‘ve learned in recent days…

for Home Assistant user name/password recover

Not everyone has good memory for the thing (like me, I didn’t log in to Home Assistant server for a long time, cannot recall log in user name and password) 🙁

So, here is the recover method:

you need physical access to the Home Assistant instance VM/Pi etc from the ha > command line you can;
(to access the HASS linux subsystem)
docker ps
(to list the dockers that are running as part of HASS)
docker exec -it XXXX /bin/bash
(use the first chars of the Homeassistant Docker Instance id listed above, to access the specific Homeassistant docker instance linux subsystem)
cat /config/.storage/auth
(this will output all the configured users in your instance)
(the docker instance)
(the HASS instance)
Now you can use
auth reset --username "ZZZZ" --password "abc123"
to reset the password of the user you found in the auth file above.

for Broadcom WLAN adapter failed to work after Fedora updated

Every time that Fedora updates would give me pain because my Broadcom WLAN adapter driver won’t automatically loaded…maybe because I’m using BCM94352z(which my laptop is also need to do Hackintosh…haha…:)) during my searching for how to get it to work, I just found out Fedora supported BCM4352 natively through its non-community edition, so it need to do something manually to get driver from that software repository.

Here are the steps and scripts would need to use:

First of all things, make sure you are up to date
sudo dnf update

Then add the rpmfusion repositories
sudo dnf install https://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm https://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm

Get the Broadcom drivers:
sudo dnf install kmod-wl akmods akmod-wl

Check if you have kernel-devel installed. It should be, but if not this will install it for you.
sudo dnf install kernel-devel

Now reboot / restart your system
Once the system has booted and you have logged in again we need to check if the driver "broadcom-wl" has installed
rpm -qa | grep broadcom-wl

Run modprobe
sudo modprobe wl

Check that akmods can be run
sudo akmods

There is a chance that you will get a warning that "files needed for building modules against kernel could not be found" and "Is the correct kernel devel package installed?". If that is the case don't worry, just continue.

We then need to check that the kernel-devel package in the system is the same as the kernel-devel package installed with the $(uname -r) kernel of your system. First check the system:
ls /usr/src/kernels/

then the $(uname -r)
uname -r

If they are the same you can skip to the "Load the "wl" module" part just after the system restart in red below, otherwise you need to do the following

You now need to install the correct kernel devel for your system. This is the version that was output when you ran the "uname -r" command. Go to the following website:
Kernel Devel RPM files

You then need to find the correct rpm file for your system like:
(this one is for Fedora 38: kernel-devel-6.2.15-300.fc38.x86_64.rpm)
and download the file.

Once downloaded (I am assuming you will download the file to the Downloads folder) run the following commands replacing the rpm file name with the correct one for your system that you just downloaded
cd ~/Downloads
sudo rpm -Uvh --force kernel-devel-6.2.15-300.fc38.x86_64.rpm

Run akmods again
sudo akmods

Load the "wl" module
sudo modprobe wl

Check "wl" is loaded
lsmod | grep wl

Check that module "wl" is used as a wifi adapter. Please note that the terminal will output a lot of different components like the one below, so you will have to search for the wireless controller specifically.
lspci -v

At this point unplug the temporary wifi card you are using or unplug the hardwired connection you are using. Then we can get a list of networks up
nmcli dev wifi list

Then you can connect to the wifi network of your choice
nmcli dev wifi con "your_ssid" password "your_ssid_password"

That should be it!

Above are what I recent learned for my thing in last 2 weeks…hard to pickup and record it…
